post #1

It would be appropriate that on the last day of 2012 I decide to start a new blog for no other reason then that I was sick of my other one which felt to scattered and all over the place. It would also be appropriate, given that it is the new year and that time of year where making resolutions abounds, that I make some resolutions too, and publicly display them so that I have some accountability to them. Then that gets me to think, is the reason for doing things in order to be seen by others? Like, am I making resolutions and doing things because I want to do them, or because I want to be seen as legitimate in the eyes of the cyber world and virtual community? meh…

I like to write, and I probably don’t do it enough. (hence the past failed blog. rather, i stopped blogging because I got busy with midterms, and then never restarted because well…I had failed and so its better to just start a project all over again instead). So maybe, one thing I can do, is to write once a week on whatever tickles my fancy.

The title of this blog is oms noms, and so, it will likely be a lot about food. But there will be more. Perhaps about my adventures in Berkeley (last semester!) and about my post graduate adventures too.

But first, maybe I should figure out how to use this thing a bit more.
